West Herts Police Headquarters is not your typical type of demolition contract for Tilley and Barrett but due to the high level of constraints imposed and having to demolish substantial structures within a live Police Headquarters T&B as always where up for the challenge.

Removing a large quantity of asbestos from façade cladding, ductwork and plant rooms made the areas safe for soft strip and de-planting to be completed. As always, the site team and sustainability team have focused on Circular Economy Wins with the common approach of the three Rs Reuse-Repurpose-Recycle the site is performing well with several donations of benches and furniture going to organisations for reuse and repurpose. As the works progress our site team will also be working with archaeologists as the site does hold a certain level of archaeological interest as medieval settlements and The Romans were known to have been present in the area and locality to the site.

Client: West Herts Police

Completion Date: 2024

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